Of all the things you can come up with that represent you, for some reason an origami ‘ninja star’ was the first to pop into my mind. I used to make these things for friends and myself all the time in Middle School, and it’s got this great, powerful yet simple design to with. Ultimately, I think it’s the fact that it requires to separate pieces put together to make into one complete package that really attracts me to it, kind of like a yin yang balance that we all subconsciously strive for. So the object I’ve chosen to represent me is an origami ninja star and the quality I feel the strongest about is its duality.
Interacts with others
Nonchalantly in order for them to let their guard down,
Just as one does when meeting an
Animal or baby for the first time.
Those encounters turn out
All right, though there are always
Risks and rewards when meeting new people.
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